Repair Station


Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong

Repair Station is a social initiative project guiding students with adjustment problems from a local school in Sham Shui Po to design and upcycle obsolete Coca-Cola crates into usable furniture for elderly with dementia living in the same neighbourhood of Sham Shui Po. The initiative is designed to create dialogue between the two parties to understand the problems encountered when one grows up, formulating companionship through interactions and outcomes as furniture.


Coca-Cola underwent a year of pause of its signature glass bottle into redesigning a new one made of recyclable glass. During the hiatus, red plastic crates used for storing and transporting the glass bottle coke are temporarily obsolete. The project borrowed the crates from Coca-Cola to upcycle them into designed furniture for the community.


By bringing the young and old from the same community, a cycle of connection between SEN students and elderly with dementia are structured in the project. Students acquire knowledge from designing and gain empathy by learning about the pains of elderly facing dementia, while elderly benefit from teenager’s accompaniment and the furniture fruition from the project.


Eight design workshops carried at the school enable students to rapidly experience the overall staging process of design. More importantly, through learning the problems faced by other people in the society and giving hands to help, they gain confidence in themselves and realise their power on creating positive impact through designing.


In the two last workshop sessions, students assemble and construct their own designed furniture derived from the concepts they built up through every workshop stage to facilitate the life of elderly with dementia. Design team and the school teachers provide guidance and support to assist students in building their piece. 


The video shows the process of the workshop project from initial stages to understand the elderly needs, to visiting the elderly centre in the neighbourhood and eventually creating design proposals and constructing the furniture.


The Nan Fung Group and the Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children's Hsu Tsung-Tsing Memorial School have collaborated on the "Coca-Cola Plastic Box Upcycling and Recycling Project." Students from the Hsu Tsung-Tsing Memorial School participated in this Coca-Cola plastic box refurbishment project earlier and captured the highlights in a short video. The purpose of this initiative is to raise students' environmental awareness and encourage them to recycle and upcycle waste materials, thereby reducing environmental pollution.


The Ethical You


Sik Zyu Soeng